Kiari Esquibel
PhD Student

Lab Coordinator

Name: Kiari Esquibel 

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Undergraduate Institution(s) / degree:

University of Irvine, B.A. Psychology and Social Behavior 

Degree Program (year entered the program): PhD, 2021

Research Interests: social determinants of health, integrated health, and ethical boundaries.

Clinical Interests: pediatric health, integrated care

Clinical Training Placements:

Loma Linda Pediatric Neurology Clinic 

Redlands Unified School District (Assessments - High school) 

Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) 

Miller's Children & Women's Hospital - Jonathan Jacques Cancer Institute (JJCI) & Children's Village. 

Sierra High School & San Andreas High School - Continuation Schools 

SAC Pediatrics 

Presentations (full APA format reference):                                               

1. Esquibel, K., Van Dyk, T.R. (2025, April 3-5). Pediatric Integrated Behavioral Health Provider Perceptions and Behaviors Related to Food Insecurity. Poster accepted to be presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.

2. Moeller, M., Esquibel, K., Morales, N., Van Dyk, T.R. (2024, April 25-27). Caregiver Mental Health Predicts Child Insomnia While Controlling for Child Internalizing Mental Health Symptoms. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. 

3. Morales, N., Mazzone, E., Esquibel, K., Moeller, M., Van Dyk, T.R. (2024, April 25-27). Sleep Hygiene as a Target for Intervention to Reduce Co-morbid Pain Among Adolescents With a Sleep Disturbance. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

4. Esquibel, K., Moeller, M., Morales, N., Dobalian, D., Van Dyk, T.R. (2024, April 24-28). Association of Recent Life Events and Caregiver Mental Health with Sleep Disturbance in Preschool Aged Children. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California.

5. Pelaez, A. Napkaku, I., Tar, A., Krespis, C., Esquibel, K., Wiest, G., Vazquez, B. (2024, April 19-21). Neuropsychological Implications for Underrepresented Latinx Cancer Patients in Clinical Trials. Poster presented at The American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, California. 

6. Esquibel, K., Peplak, J., & Klemfuss, J. Z. (2021, May). Adolescents' Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster presented at the UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program annual conference, virtual.

Extracurricular Activities: baking, gardening, hiking, and spending time with family and friends.